A post an hour. Can I do it?
Here's what I want to do. I want to write. A lot. I'd like to knock out an essay each hour for the rest of the day. Can I do it?
I think it's possible. I certainly want to try. And I've got my wonderful new high productivity workflow worked out. I just have to do what I've decided to do the way I've decided to do it. Or better.
To start with, I need to pull together my internal family, my crew. There are too many parts of me that want to write. Some want to write different things. Some have competing views on how to write the same thing. The results, predictably, have been paralysis.
So, step one is to pull a crew together. Give a little rah-rah speech. Find out who wants to write. Line them up. Tell them they'll each have a turn. And then pick the first one and go!
I've been team writing an essay with Steve Ginzburg. Our approaches are highly compatible, but not identical. We sometimes go back and forth arguing over small wrangles. We’d do better if we agreed who owned each document and let that person be the final authority on it. The other one can give feedback. That feedback can be taken, or rejected, or discussed. But not debated endlessly. As we have sometimes done. Sadly.
On the home front, doing my own writing, I get in arguments with myself perhaps because I don't have a clearly delineated sense of which self that owns a particular piece of writing. If I did, I might be able to resolve these things more quickly and reach my goal.
So here is the first of today's essays. I dictated it my phone on a brisk walk up and down my driveway at around 12:28. And I've highlighted the changes that I've made from the first draft. They're really pretty minimal. It's now 1:28 and I'm wrapping it up. Without interruptions, I could have finished in half an hour.
Next up, finish the other blog post that I've been working on all morning. Refining, re-refining, re-re-refining. And then getting it out. Before 2:28