Applied mindtravel--a how-to guide
Photo by Daniela Cuevas on Unsplash
A while back I wrote this post: Mindscapes and mindtravel
Today I discovered I’d written a how-to guide and never published it.
Easily fixed.
Building the itinerary
Get a notebook (or start a document).
Whenever you have a moment of feeling really good, record it in the notebook. Date, time, something memorable about it. Give it a name. Whatever might help you get back there easily.
Once in a while, remember some great places you’ve been. Add it to your list of places.
Imaginary destinations
You can create imaginary destinations, too.
Invent them and put them in your notebook and travel to them just as you can to “real” ones. Maybe you’ve got some already. I’ve got a few.
Hey, it’s your mind, after all, and you get to decide what in your mind you want to call real.
Since it’s all imaginary anyway, you get to choose.
Periodically, pull out your notebook or list and practice mind-traveling back to those places and times.
Mindtravel to safety
Once you’re good a mindtravelling, you can mindtravel to safe places from shitty places.
Remember you can mindtravel
Remember a good place to go to—or pull out your notebook
Mindtravel there.
Enjoy the experience and then mind-travel to another and another.
Do that until you feel like it’s unlikely you’re going to be being snapped back to the shitty place
Then carry on.
A historical note
I found a draft of this post my StackEdit files.
Did I post it? Or didn’t I?
East way to find out. Search the blog. Turns out I posted something like it:
Mindscapes and mindtravel
Complete it or delete it, right?
And then a victory lap.