Discomfort is a bug and a feature.
Once again I’ve arrived near the end of the day with lots to write about and nothing written. And today I’ve fallen into whining about it.
“I’m wasting my life,” I whine.
I want to write.
But I don’t just want to write. I want writing to be easy. Some parts are easy. Some are not. I want all of it to be easy.
When something isn’t easy sometimes I go looking for an easy way (as I wrote yesterday) and sometimes (like today), I whine.
The injustice of it all!
It should be easy.
Or should it?
If something is automatic, an automaton does it. AutoWriter writes. I don’t. And things are not easy or hard for AutoWriter. It’s a machine.
If it’s not automatic, then it’s probably not easy. If it were, I would have automated it.
But if I’m fully present it’s neither easy nor is it difficult. Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable. If I’m fully present, I’m beyond duality.
Discomfort is a feature. It means I’m not on automatic.
But it’s also a bug. It means I’m not fully present.