Hello Reader.
Yes, you.
You and I and the rest of us can fill the world with love.
We can and we will.
Hear me out.
You are not crazy to keep reading or listening or whatever you are doing.
I am not crazy for writing or saying this.
The Science of Love
There is a Science of Love. It is an applied science. An experimental science.
We can study and apply it and change the world.
The Science of Love is a practical science.
It gets practical results,
It works through practice.
Starting with a little love, by applying the Science of Love we can bootstrap love and fill the world with love.
This is the fundamental insight of the Science of Love: if you give love to another, you will have more love, not less.
The first experiment
Notice how much love you have.
Give love to someone.
Make it easy: choose someone who you have loved before and for whom you already have love.
Extend love to them.
Stop reading and do it. It won’t take long.
And now, welcome back. And notice how much love you have,
Notice that you have not lost any love by giving it.
Notice that you have more love for having given love.
That’s love in action.
The laws of physics and love
The laws of physics say that when you give something away you have less.
The Laws of Love say that when you give love you have more love.
Love is never lost—though it can be misplaced.
Love is always present—even when it seems that it is not.
The Laws of Love, properly applied will lead to miracles.
But miracles are an advanced move. We’ll get to them later. Let’s start with the basics.
Let’s continue the practice
Find someone else to give love to.
Give love and you will again have more.
Verify that’s true.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
There are no limits to how many times you do this.
You can give love to every person you know who deserves love.
You can give love to people you do not know.
Don’t take my word for it. Stop reading and try it out.
Each time you give love, you will have more.
Keep doing it, and your store of love will grow without bound.
What about people who do unloving things
Some people do unloving things. Some are angry; some are resentful; some are spiteful. Some are assholes.
You might say they do not deserve your love. And you may be right. But this does not matter.
To see why, ask yourself this: Do people do unloving things despite an abundance of love? Or out of an insufficiency?
Think back. If you can remember doing something unloving, do you remember beingfilled with love when you did it? Or were you suffering a lack?
Unloving acts come from a lack of love.
Give people the love they lack, and unloving acts will cease.
If someone is deserving of love, give them love, of course, and you will have more love.
And if someone is undeserving of love, give them love nonetheless, so they will no longer do unloving things. And you will have more love.
Give them love because only love will heal them.
You don’t need to be naive
Giving love to the unloving does not require that you turn your back and let them do harm.
You do not help the unloving when you give them a chance to harm.
You help when you restrain them—and when you do it with love, not anger.
Anger leads to anger.
Love leads to love.
The process
This is the process we will use to bootstrap love.
This is the first of a series of posts.
The God I don’t believe in has promised to write some guest posts.
Since God is Love, God is the Expert.
And God tells us, “The love you have will only grow by giving love.”
And becuase what we do we teach, by loving more we will teach others to love more.
And so love will fill the world.
Why I write
I write because of love. Love of Truth. Love of the God I don’t believe in. Love of writing. Love of you, known and unknown readers.
And having written with love, I have more love.
If you have read this post, I love you for it.
And reading it, perhaps, your love has grown.
If you love this idea, make it your own, and practice.
Practice, practice, practice.
Send someone you love a text message and tell them you love them.
See your love grow.
Find words that are meaningful and copy/paste them into an email and send it to someone you love and tell them that you love them.
And see your love grow.
Go through your address book and extend love to every name and every heart and every mind.
And when you are ready, love the unloving.
There is no end to what we can do if we love.
I love you and I love me and I love this blog post .
I once had an epiphany that absolutely everything before me and indeed the entire universe was not only love-worthy but was composed entirely of Love. Love was like a field woven into the fabric of space itself and its solidification was the material universe and all its contents. Years passed and the vision dimmed, but your beautiful eriting brought it all back. Thank you.