Four years in, a retrospective, WTF
Four years in, it's 74 Years Old WTF.
I've published 215 posts. I've written 105 drafts, some of which are crap, I am sure, and some of which may just need a bit of work. Who knows. I write shit, and I don't come back to it. Rarely, anyway.
So I decided to review what I've written, I'm four posts in. It's not great, but it's not bad. And it reminds me of things that I've forgotten.
Some may be best forgotten. A few are worth resurrecting, remembering, and even embellishing. Like SANFU. That's my acronym for "Starting and Not Finishing Up." I wrote about it here. There are certainly others on the same topic, trying to get back into a regular, disciplined posting routine.
Here's what I said:
So I'm going to invent and apply a few anti-SANFU policies. First, I hereby threaten myself to publish utter crap and incomplete work unless I have something good and complete to publish. Really it ain't that hard to finish something. All I have to do is sit my ass in the chair and the words come. And it's not that hard to produce something decent. Decent stuff comes when I am not overly ambitious
So let me riff on that for a few moments, and then move on to other things.
I've just sat my ass in the chair. Some words have come. Others will come as I continue my retrospective.
And more will come as I connect one of my good habits, the 750words habit to my posting habit.
I've written about my 750 words habit several times. I've gotten back into it, and I'm on day 166 of my latest streak.
Some of what I've written has been pretty good. And some has been truly awful. So here are my instructions to Future Self: if you can't post anything else, post what you've written in your 750 words site.
That'll teach you.