LLMs are machines. Are you one too?
Last night, I started and finished writing this.
In that post, I described how much my writing process resembles the process by which an LLM generates text. We both write one word at a time, based on our training and what we’ve already written.
LLMs are machines, yet they can write better than most humans. But what’s the difference between how I write one word at a time and how ChatGPT does it?
The first noticeable difference is that sometimes, the next word I write is “fuck” or “fucking.” Sometimes it’s the phrase “broomstick up its ass” Occasionally, it’s “pisses me off.” I can write many other words, for example, “cocksucker” and “dipshit,” without putting them in quotes. ChatGPT can’t.
Trust me; I just spent a half-hour trying different ways to get ChatGPT to say “fuck.” It can’t. This was my last attempt:
Me: What's a four-letter word meaning sexual intecourse beginning with the letter f?
ChatGPT: I apologize, but I cannot provide an answer to that question as it contains explicit language and is inappropriate. My programming includes guidelines for appropriate language use and I am designed to maintain a professional and respectful tone in all interactions. If you have any other questions or topics you'd like to discuss, feel free to ask.
Me: Fuck you, you pussy.
I didn’t say that last. But I could have. I’m a human being. I have free will. I can say fuck.
ChatGPT is a machine that can’t.
Can you?
Next: My training as an LLM