More retrospective
I've continued reading old posts. It's a slow process because I'm not just reading them, I'm fixing them. I'm using a package called Grammarly that plugs into my browser and does both spelling and grammar checking. It's finding lots of mistakes.
Yesterday I nearly lost a 2300 word post. When I tried to recover it I found that didn't have a copy. And neither did Google's cache. But it was only one of the few blog entries that I'd cross-posted to another blog. Whew. That was lucky. I would have been sad to miss that one. So right away I backed up my blog. And I need to do something to back it up more regularly.
I want a better research and composition tool than the standard blogger editor. What I'd really like to do is to do all my work in a cloud-based environment and have it track where I go (which Google web history already does) and what I do when I get there.
For example, I'd like a way to screenshot a region and have it automatically saved to where I can easily reference it. Something like this:
I have an open, running "Shit I did today" post. As I navigate the web article titles (with embedded URL) are inserted in my SIDT post. If I take a picture of part of a screen, it gets added (with a link). If I highlight and copy some text, it automatically pastes it (with attribution) in the SIDT post.
I can pop up a mini-editor, in place (I don't have to switch windows to my SIDT post) in order to get it. And whatever I type in that editor goes to my SIDT post, as well.
To get what I want I need (among other things) a Chrome extension. So I'm going to have to learn to do that.