PostProcessing: 4000 tabs to close
For several years I’ve been using a tool called OneTab. It’s a Chrome plugin that closes tabs and adds them to a list of tabs that it maintains on each computer.
I’m a victim of TPD—Tab Proliferation Disorder. When I discover I’ve got too many tabs open at once—and by “too many” I often mean 30 or more—I lose them with OneTab. That way, I get my (the computer’s) memory back without losing my memory of what tabs I had open.
My workhorse computer is now up to nearly 4000 tabs, and I’ve got a bunch of closed tabs on other machines. So today, I decided to start closing more than I open.
That decision led to an intention and a plan as I’ve written about here.
A lot of the tabs are repeats. Many of them are programs I have pen regularly, like Gmail, or StackEdit, or even OneTab.
So I plan to go through the tabs, deleting the ones that I can, opening the ones I’d like to not forget about. I’ll write some of them in this blog and some in another, Random S*&# I Learned Today.
I’ll tag both the posts that come from OneTab in both blogs with “OneTab.”
I’ll keep track of how many posts I have left to close here.
Tags: OneTab
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