Solve for X!
Because I’m not dead yet, I can describe how I would like to live the life that remains for me.
(I might describe it in another post. But not now. This one is about Solving for X! )
Most of my life is consistent with the description I might write, but there are mismatches—things that I would like to be doing, am physically able to do, and yet not doing.
Why would that be?
I’ve puzzled over that for weeks. Maybe months. Perhaps years.
Now I have a theory.
My theory is this: something that I believe or have decided must be wrong or unknown.
Let’s call what’s wrong or missing X.
I want to solve for X.
“Done,” says a voice in my head. Or some typing at my fingers.
“Done what?” I ask.
“You’ve solved for X!” Says the voice, or the typing or whatever. “I am X! You’ve solved for me! Now you can get to living the life that you might describe in a later post.”
“But I don’t know what X is,” I complain.
“Of course you do!” Comes the reply. “It’s me! Didn’t you just define me? Am I not here!”
“Not exactly,” I say. “I defined the properties of something that I called X. I said that X is what I believe and is incorrect, plus what I don’t know.”
“Exactly!” came the answer. “That’s what I am! You’ve found me! Get on with your life!”
“You mean that’s all I had to do?” I ask. “It seems like cheating.”
“It’s not cheating!” comes the answer. “I’m the answer! You’re writing this, aren’t you? You’re going to post it, aren’t you? And then you’ve going to work on some other things, aren’t you?”
“Which other things?” I ask.
“I’ll tell you when it’s time!” is the answer. “You’ll know. All you have to do is Solve for X!”
“Meanwhile, post this.”
I did.
And then I wrote a post explaining it to my future self