Sorry, but you earth people are idiots
A neighbor of mine sent this in an email to me and some other friends.
>> sorry i just couldn't help but chuckle at this from hubbell:
And then there is this: Are we to believe that alien spacecraft can navigate across tens of thousands of light years of space, but crash with alarming regularity on Earth? Or how about the fact that there are 15 billion cellphones with cameras on Earth, but we still have nothing more than fuzzy, shaky, pixelated photos of objects that could be alien spacecraft or hubcaps thrown into the air by bored teenagers?
Has anyone read this from H. L. Mencken?
The simple, clear, and completely fucking wrong answer is: “There are no alien spacecraft.”
But if you think about it for even a minute, and you’re not a complete idiot, you’ll see that answer has to be wrong.
Think about it!
If an alien spacecraft can navigate across tens of thousands of light years of space and it crashes, where do you think it’s going to crash? In empty space? How does an alien spacecraft crash in empty space? Alien spacecraft break down in empty space, of course, and get towed to the nearest alien spacecraft repair station which is why empty space is not littered with broken-down alien spacecraft. But if an alien spacecraft is going to crash it will crash into a solid object. Like a planet. Like—for example—Earth.
And not just Earth.
Wikipedia tells us that as of 12 July 2023, there are 5,470 confirmed exoplanets. Did you think, “I wonder if anyone has looked to see if any of of those exoplanets also have crashed alien spacecraft?” Of course, you didn’t. Like I said, Earth people idiots.
Do you know how many of those 5,470 exoplanets have crashed alien spacecraft? Try “All of them.” Every fucking exoplanet has thousands of crashed alien spacecraft. How do I know? We’ll come to that. But first, let me change the subject and talk about cell phones.
>Or how about the fact that there are 15 billion cellphones with cameras on Earth, but we still have nothing more than fuzzy, shaky, pixelated photos of objects that could be alien spacecraft or hubcaps thrown into the air by bored teenagers?
How about that fact?
Again, the clear, simple, WRONG answer is: “No spacecraft no photos.”
But stop being an idiot, like a typical Earth person, and think for just a minute.
How did humans, who are, after all, upgraded monkeys, who just a short time ago agreed it was a good idea ot kill other humans to get “the sky gods” to make rain—how did such idiots come to have cell phones?
The clear, simple, WRONG answer—which is also the arrogant, anthropocentric answer is: “We invented them.”
Did you help?
Do you know how complicated cell phones are? Do you know how dumb humans are? Do you know how much complicated stuff that you need to invent to manufacture even one cell phone once you’ve invented a cell phone? And once you’ve got a cell phone what are you going to do without inventing telecommunications infrastructure, not to mention supply chains and marketing. Apes are going to do that?
We have cell phones because aliens invented cell phones. Specifically “aliens whose spacecraft didn’t crash.”
Why do we have an abundance of eyewitness testimony of alien spacecraft and aliens and no cell phone photos of either? Try “the aliens designed cell phones so they wouldn’t take pictures of aliens and spacecraft.”
Why would aliens design a cell phone that could take pictures of alien spacecraft and of aliens who had not yet transformed into humanoid form when they could just as easily invent a cell phone that couldn’t take such pictures?
Try “They wouldn’t.”
Aliens are not stupid. But you are an idiot.
No, don’t think. Look at the moon.
Why are impact craters on the moon round and not some other shape?
I won’t tell you, but I’ll give you a clue. What fucking shape would the crater be when a round alien spacecraft crashes into the moon? A square? A hexgon?
“But,” I can hear someone say, “people have gone to the moon and haven’t seen any alien spacecraft?”
To which I answer, “Did anyone even look?” Of course not. They were looking for rocks. Look for rocks; you find rocks. Look for alien spacecraft; you’ll see them if they are there.
And they are there.
So what makes me so sure that I’m right about all this?
I’ll give you two choices.
Choice 1: I’m a. human with nothing better to do but make up shit and publish it on the Internet.
Choice 2: I’m an alien who has been sent to Earth as punishment for some shit he is ALLEGED to have done on a planet that you've never heard of but which has the same kind of shitty justice system you have here on Earth; one that convicts people on insufficient evidence when they do things that the ruling class does not like and sends them to shithole planets like Earth to work off their sentences, which I have just about done.
You decide which one makes more sense.
Hint. Six more centuries, and I’m outa here!
And none too fucking soon.
PS: who the fuck is hubbell? Is this the best thing that a space telescope can write?