We are all avatars
Avatar: an incarnation, embodiment, or manifestation of a person or idea.
We are all avatars. We are made of knowledge in bodies of once-living stars.
How could we not be avatars?
We will be avatars of one idea or another because that is the way we humans are built. We embody knowledge and ideas. Our deepest knowledge is written in our DNA. Within us, in the unconscious, we contain ideas that express themselves through archetype and myth and by shaping our individual and collective behavior.
Within us, in our conscious minds, are the values that we have adopted. We embody them as well.
Surrounding us is our culture. We embody parts of it as well.
We each embody many things. The question is: what will we embody? What sort of avatars will we be?
Knowing and unknowing
We can be unknowing avatars who do not know that we are or what we are.
We can be knowing avatars who know that we are, and what we represent.
We can work to be avatars of the best ideas that we can, the highest ideals we can envision and hope to realize: to embody them, manifest them, incarnate them.
We can be aware that the people around us are avatars, and discover what they represent. We can encourage them (using whatever language is appropriate and meaningful to them) to be knowing avatars representing the highest good.
We can teach our friends and our children that they are more than they think that they are.
To say that we embody knowledge is logically equivalent to saying we are avatars of that knowledge. And yet the two statements are profoundly different.
Ideas have a power that can transcend the human. Ideas can live forever. To be an avatar means to approach the divine.
I am an avatar. And so are you.