Wow! You are so kind! What a wonderful surprise. It's all true. The "Random S*&%$ I learned today” newsletter post I found via a gift from Swarnali Mukherjee (writer of "Berkana") who posted a link to “How I got my Substack to be Google searchable” on the August 26, 2021 "Writer Office Hours" comment section. This led me to find one of the most enjoyable collections of writing I've ever encountered: "70 Years Old. WTF!" by Mr. Michael Wolf. What a treasure this has all been! I'd like to thank Substack Inc., without whom none of this would have been possible, and of course Google for creating a search engine that indexes my humble newsletter and blog so I can share the joy and wisdom of wonderful—sometimes beautiful—movies with anyone who is interested. Because of this internet connectivity, we all can find exactly what suits us best and what inspires us most. What great tools we have at our disposal! Today is a great day. Thank you to everyone who made it possible. 🎟🍿🤗

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