About me and about this website/ newsletter/ blog/ whatever the f it is

As of today, I am 29,102 days old, No, not today today. I’m older today. I was 29,102 when I wrote the first draft of this About Page. I was nearly 80. (Technically, 79.67671232876.)


Now I’m almost 82.


By the time you read this, I’ll be older. Maybe I’ll be dead.

But if you are reading it, you are not dead. And that’s something to celebrate.

This blog is a part of my life.

This blog is a manifestation of whatever it is (or was) to be me.

And now you have read this, some low rez version of this blog (and me) is part of what it is to be you.

In that way of thinking, I am a part of your life—and even if I have never met you and even if I never do—and even if I’m dead—I will consider you part of mine.

And I am glad.

My life is richer as a result of everyone I have ever met, talked with, heard of. And the countless ones I’ve never encountered who have nonetheless changed the trajectory of my life, however slightly.

I hope you’re as happy as I am right now—or even happier.

Happiness is a gift.

And since gifts are for giving (and forgiving) it is my joy to offer you happiness as well.

Looked at one way, being happy is a challenge. Something has to happen for you to be happy.

Looked at another way, being happy is natural. The challenge is being unhappy. You have to work to be unhappy.

There are no secrets to being happy, but there are ways to think and things to do that have reliably brought me happiness—or helped me see the happiness within.

They were gifts to me, and I am happy to share them with you.

I’ve been writing posts/newsletters/whatever since I was 70. And when I write I am always happy.

Everything I’ve written is worth keeping. Some of it is wrong. It’s still worth keeping. To me, anyway.

The only way to discover what’s right is though making mistakes. Even God makes mistakes—or so She tells me. And if it works for Her, and it works for me it will work for you.

Go forth and make mistakes.

Some of what I’ve written is a mistake. Maybe it wasn’t when I wrote it and maybe it was then, and is still. Whatever. These are my mistakes. And a lot of what I’ve written needs grammar checking and rewriting.

And some of it is JUST PLAIN WRONG.

I’ll get around to fixing it one of these days. Or not.

But in the meantime, here is the front page.

Make the best of it.


Michael/Mike/Dad/Daddy/Pops/Gramps/Papa/Hey Stupid

Subscribe to 70 Years Old. WTF!

Really? 70? Inconceivable!


A guy who likes to research and think and write, often in that order, but sometimes not