"I don't have a purpose, I am purpose,"

I said the exact same thing to my niece ( in her forties) a few years back. But I said "you don't have to look for a purpose, you are Purpose." But though the words were (almost) the same, the insight was different. 🙂. I'm not at all saying you are wrong- you're not! But different insights can lead to the same words.

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Hilariously (or ironically, or tragically) 2-months-older-me did not remember 2-months-younger-me having written this. Or rather, had only the vaguest memory--though the idea is both as fresh and familiar as--well, as it is, I suppose.

But it must have been him or me who wrote it. Who else writes this way than every version of me that ever was and probably will be? GPT-3 I suppose. But nobody.

I imagine a sequel "An open reply to an open letter to my 90-year-old self-to-be (and apparently you, since you are reading this) from his two-months-older-self"

Maybe I will write it. Who knows?

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Read my "Bridge of Tears post of a little while back where time and selves and dreams are discussed!

Reading over your back issues of 70 year WTF today (ok, scanning the titles and first few lines of some of them). I am amazed by your voice, so like mine. Prolific too! Highly intelligent, brimming with confidence, creative and courageous. It's obvious you won't go gentle in to that good night. But you have slowed your output🙁. Hope you will come out with new gifts for us.

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