Sitemap - 2020 - 70 Years Old. WTF!

Prospective retrospective

Vote arete!

Solve for X! Xplained.

Solve for X!

Conditional happiness and conditioned misery

Do your job, (redux)

Looking for a miracle

Wrong again, learned helplessness is not learned

You are never alone

Bucket list

There but for fortune, go I

Consciousness, Redux

Equanimity is in the depths

On resumes--stupid and not

To get better answers, ask better questions

Masochism and misbehavior

ADYB: Always Doing Your Best

Down the rabbit hole

What I do, I teach

Memento mori, Part I

Good conversations

A thought is harmless unless we believe it

Updating your models

Models and sense-making

Disinfecting my mind: a case study

Defending our minds

Reality is never wrong

The posting habit

Pay the price

Panic, over the hill

My portal to sanity

God calling?

Anger management

Rewards and punishments

This was supposed to be posted in March and here it is April

The Mindful Photographic Moments channel

The purpose of my life: OBO Fred, the neuron

Humanity has the knowledge needed to stop COVID-19. Just not in a usable form

Dunning-Kruger Disease and the Impostor Syndrome

Practical implications of consciousness and knowledge

Consciousness and knowledge

The hive-mind springs into action.

A meditation on dullness

A theory of strategic unawareness

Thoughts on knowledge creation


Is that boulder heavy?

January 2020: did I get better?

Knowledge is the measure of all things that matter

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Attention on intention and metaintention

Things I'm excited about in 2020

The secret of life

Connecting Past Me and Future Me

Setting my direction

SuperPlacebo by Placebionix

Performer or artist

Anytime (I am there) and other dying wishes

Memento, Redux

Christmas pun

Mike Posner, Part I

Sex ratios and the value of the sexes

Evolution is cleverer than you are


A meditation on fairness

Profound knowledge, systems, and operational definitions

Four kinds of awareness

Meditation lost

I'm not dead yet

A shitty start to a new decade before things got way better